Martauz s.r.o. - construction personnel company
My name is Ladislav Materňak and I am executive manager of MARTAUZ s.r.o. company. I have been working in building industries all my life. I lived in Germany eight years, where I learnt that the best face of successful company is supplying quality services.

MARTAUZ is building-personal company, what cooperates with companies in Slovakia and another countries of European Union. Our main activity is realization of building works and provide skillful candidates to realization these works in all Europe. Our password is: Quality not quantity! Our priority is satisfaction our clients with providing candidates.
We are looking for serious clients, which can give the jobs our candidates in these sectors:



Floor and Wall tiler




Montage worker (repas of residential containers)




Works in factories

Montage works

Works with irons

Craft works
It´s all-European problem with skill shortages therefore our vision is offer stable team of workers becouse satisfaction should be on the side of client but on the side of candidate too. MUTUAL SATISFACTION IS FOR US THE BEST REFERENCE.
For clients
Mutual satisfaction is for us the best reference
To better understanding requirements of CLIENTS how is understanding of work positions and their all work activities please fill in questionnaire for sending informative offer. You can requiry to us for offer for long-time-positions or seasonal labour too.
For candidates
Every chance for career success is possible if you have honest and responsible attitude to your work
We are glad that you have interest for job in MARTAUZ. You can fill in work questionaire to have more informations about you.
We are looking forward to you!
MARTAUZ s.r.o.
Hviezdoslavova 7 (číslo dverí 106)
091 01 Stropkov